Travel Blogger and Food Enthusiast

Review Kalluna Restaurant Yogyakarta: Expensive but Instagrammable

Feeling Nostalgic at Sate Klatak Pak Bari Pasar Wonokromo

De Céline Restaurant, Yogyakarta: Dining Inside the Louvre Pyramid

Beukenhof Restaurant Yogyakarta: Expensive Restaurant in Kaliurang

Telaga Biru Semin, Not as Beautiful as it Used to be

Healing at Pronosutan View, Nanggulan, Kulon Progo

Bali Ndeso Kampung Flory & Selfie Park, Sleman: Incredibly Beautiful!

Waroeng Pohon Omah Sawah, Bantul: Delicious Ingkung Ayam!

Ekstens Coffee & Space Yogyakarta: A Nice Hangout Place

Tokopakdio Yogyakarta: Delicious Tiny Restaurant at Affordable Prices

Ayam Bakar Mas Yogi, Sleman: Tasty & Ripped

Floating Resto Sleman, Jogja’s New Mainstay Attraction

Rajaklana Resto: Family Restaurant at the Top of the Hill

The Beauty of Samas Beach and the Delicious Fried Duck of Umar Plenteng

Ketoprak Kuburan (Yogyakarta): A Budget Friendly Delicious Food

Night Walks in Yogyakarta | Malioboro | Alun-Alun Utara

Culinary Tourism in Bantul, Yogyakarta

Exoticism of Goa Cemara Beach, Sanden, Bantul

Exciting Adventure in Jomblang Cave, Semanu, Gunung Kidul

Phenomenal Grandeur of Borobudur Temple, Magelang, Central Java

Serene Atmosphere of Mangunan Pine Forest, Dlingo, Yogyakarta